

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Thermspyset released for public use

I've been doing alot of 4-way SLI lately and one thing that was slowing me down (and driving me nuts) was setting each of the 4 cards to adaptive clocking off in thermspy after each boot.

Thermspy is a tool that gives access to some NVIDIA GPU options such as disabling the adaptive clocking, this prevents the clock speed from going up and down dynamically. This option is important for performance and stability reasons when overclocking competitively.

I wrote a small program to set each card to adaptive clocking off, then close thermspy once its done.

I've made this application public (including source) for anyone that might need this for benching. You can get it here on my github.

I'll leave you with an image of our 4-way setup that this tool was written for.

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